March 26, 2007

I need a hug!

Seriously. I'm tired and not feeling very good about myself today.

And I bet very recently you've needed one, too. There's something healing about a well-timed, genuine, unconditional hug.

Just hug somebody today. They need it, too, whether they admit or not.


Mike Wilhelm said...

I sure know what you mean. That's the worst part of being single. Maybe I will get a hug from Matt after practice tomorrow. I truly believe God made us that way. Thanks for being a great friend, Johnny!

Dewdrop said...

How sad. Consider yourwself cyber hugged... both of you. BTW, Mike sent me. Hey there, Johnny!

Sharp said...

Hey, Dew! Nice to be hugged by you. I guess i need to spend more time over at the weather blogs. Lots more activity there!

Mike Wilhelm said...

Not as much hugging though!!!