December 04, 2007

The reason I do this

Stolen from ingrid.


terri said...

yeah, i gotta admit that rings a little too true. *sigh*

don't you hate it when you have those little glimpses in the mirror that clue you in to how deeply needy and kind of pathetic you are? i do. but then again, i get a little chuckle out of those moments too (when i pause long enough after the crying jag.)

Mike Wilhelm said...

I KNOW I am not the next best thing in the writing world..... But I love sharing my interests with others and saving my memories. My biggest hope is that my children enjoy this stuff in the future as much as I would if my dad had done this back in 1972.

Sharp said...

Terri, you described that so well. Maybe too well! Lately I've just been posting other people's stuff. If I really unload my own thoughts here I may lose the two readers I have! I've started to but it sounds whiny or pontificating when I read it.

Sharp said...

Mike, I think about the posterity angle sometimes but in my case I feel like it'll be of little significance to very few people.

terri said...

you won't lose me. i like it when people get honest and weird. take a chance.