April 06, 2013

The Unfollowers

I liked this blog post by author Donald Miller (pretty much a rant he fired off a few days ago) about The Unfollow Generation. Especially the remarks on nuanced thought. It's pretty much what I've been saying here for years.

I've tried to introduce some Unfollowers to some great Christian writers like C. S. Lewis. But they all have the same odd complaint, "He repeats himself too much." Say what?

Confused, I investigated and concluded they want a writer to just make an assertion and move on. They have no patience for approaching the assertion from different perspectives over the length of a chapter or three and testing whether it's true from those perspectives. Just tell them it's self-evident and move on.

Don't get me started on how any blog post over 300 words is too long for them. "It's sooooooo loooooooonnng."

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